

Disclaimer: This post is a week late due to the #BlackLivesMatter protests taking place across America. I felt as though it wasn't right to be posting a lil art discussion on the internet for readers last Friday when now is the time to be reading up on what's going on and how you, as an individual, are going to combat day-to-day racism, internalised racism and misogynoir and most importantly, start to break down white supremacist structures that continue to disadvantage Black people.

Well, would you look at that... it's been 9 weeks since I first launched this mini ART series and it seems mad to think that we're still in some sort of lockdown. The new normal is on the horizon so we best embrace any good that has come from this (hopefully once in a lifetime) experience. But until that day comes, I will continue to share good vibes and conversation starters in creative forms about what's going on.

P.S. Wash your hands after reading this, we are still in a global pandemic after all.

Laura Martin

Art by Laura Martin - More from this artist

Laura Martin

So who is dreaming of a hot summer getaway right about now? This artist has depicted the perfect summer setting which I'm sure many, if not all of us, are craving at the moment. What would you do to be slurping on a bowl of spaghetti alla bolognese in Sardegna next weekend?

There are many reasons as to why I am in love with Laura Martin's work but the main one is because it never fails to put a smile on my face. I mean, how CUTE are those lil meatballs? Her cutesy illustrative style makes her artwork enigmatic because it's only after studying a particular piece that you start to notice how detailed her work really is. Take a look again at the image above. Did you notice the snoozing candle on your first glance? What about the satsuma sticker? One can really appreciate the artist's talent the more time they spend enjoying an illustration but oh boy, can it make you hungry...

It's more than likely that we'll be taking staycations this summer and at the moment, that isn't even confirmed. So whether one ends up along the French Riveria or at the local beach, just remember that you deserve a small break from the madness. P.S. a small love letter to Summer 2021- we see you and cannot wait to fully acquaintance ourselves with you over a cool glass of lemonade. With love, from the self-isolated x

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Worry Lines

Art by Worry Lines - More from this artist

Worry Lines

According to this artist, the lockdown has us WFH, LFH, TFH and GFH these days. With procrastination limits at a bursting point as the novelty of baking sourdough, cross-stitching and zoom quizzes wear off, it reminds us that humans are inherently weird and one's weirdness drastically multiplies when left to their own devices (especially when you factor in the staying at home part as well).

Worry Lines' distinctive genderless blob-like cartoon details a plethora of worries- from the mundane yet personally important worries to the exhaustingly huge worries that unite communities across the globe. Feelings are never just black and white nor are they linear. We are designed to overflow with emotion despite the fact, we tend to hold it all in until we reach breaking point. If you haven't yet taken the time to look into your own mental health during this pandemic, it is probably best to allow some time to do so in the immediate future.

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Nina Cosford

Art by Nina Cosford - More from this artist

Nina Cosford

Hands up if you've given or received a lockdown haircut? It's not quite the same as going to a hairdresser but at least, you go into it knowing you'll come out a bit wonky. This is definitely a better fate than that awful post-hairdresser reveal where you want to cry but have to act extremely thankful until you've left the premises...

Artist Nina Cosford draws fashionable lil ladies documenting their day-to-day lives. From seasonal outfit planning to trips to the beach, Cosford effortlessly portrays the millennial aesthetic against beige backdrops. She uses simple shapes to depict facial features which contrast nicely with the finer details of hair frizz and face wrinkles. You cannot deny that her illustrations are extremely relatable.

One last thing a la image above, if you're thinking about giving yourself a fringe now please think about it first. Are you really a fringe person- what's your background in sporting a fringe? Have you always had a burning desire to get bangs or is this just a boredom pastime? This isn't quite week 2 of lockdown anymore. The end is in sight and a fringe doesn't grow out THAT quickly. On the flip side, if you do decide to get a fringe and lockdown does indeed end then you must OWN your fringe. No ragretz- this is 2020 you and we're all on board with your new look. I look forward to reacquainting myself with you as a fringe owner.

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Hi, I'm Poppy

Feminism, creativity, exploring the world & having a good time are really important to me. If you liked the above, why not subscribe to my newsletter? This is just the beginning.